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What are the main components of a farmer tractor?

Publish Time: 2022-08-23     Origin: Site

Although farmer tractors are relatively complex machines with different types and sizes, they all consist of three main parts: engine, chassis and electrical equipment.

What are the main components of a farmer tractor?

How to choose the model of farmer tractor?

What should we check after buying a farmer tractor?

What are the main components of a farmer tractor?

1. Engine. The engine is a device that generates power for the farmer tractor, and its function is to convert the heat energy of the fuel into mechanical energy to give off power. The farmer tractors currently manufactured in my country all use diesel engines.

2. Chassis. The chassis is the device through which the farmer tractor transmits power. Its function is to transfer the power of the engine to the drive wheel and the working tool to get the farmer tractor running and complete the mobile operation or fixation. This function is achieved by the mutual cooperation and coordination of the transmission system, the walking system, the steering system, the braking system and the working equipment, forming at the same time the skeleton and the body of the farmer tractor. Therefore, we collectively refer to the above four main systems and a large device as a chassis. That is, in the entirety of the farmer tractor, all other systems and devices except the engine and electrical equipment are collectively referred to as the farmer tractor chassis.

3. Electrical equipment. Electrical equipment is a device that ensures the power consumption of farmer tractors. Its task is to solve lighting, safety signals and engine start.

How to choose the model of farmer tractor?

There are three types of farmer tractors: hand-held farmer tractors, wheel farmer tractors and crawler farmer tractors; They can be divided into large, medium and small farmer tractors depending on their performance. When buying a farmer tractor, it is necessary to select the model according to the type, workload and labor intensity of the main agricultural activities of the surrounding farmers. At the same time, it is also important to choose according to the specific circumstances of other agricultural machinery operators.

What should we check after buying a farmer tractor?

1. Selection, inspection and commissioning. Check the appearance of the farmer tractor body, castings and tyres, check safety protection devices, check the completeness of safety warning signs, check the operating mechanism for reliability, check engine oil level during test drive, refill diesel oil and check cooling water, stop for water leakage and oil leakage.

2. To verify the origin. The purchase of an farmer tractor depends on the brand and its manufacturer, the brand is not blown out. In addition, famous brand products are recognized by the public in long-term use or recognized by authoritative departments with reliable product quality, advanced performance, large product coverage and good customer service.

FM World Agricultural Machinery maintains close relationships with customers in the farmer tractor industry and is committed to strengthening production and operation, as well as improving quality and safety.

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